20 September 2011

A new cultural environment.

Earl Grey has gone!
From mow on it's "Nana Chai Sukar Wasat"
(Mint Tea medium sugar!)

One, two, three, four, five... that's a good start!

Set up my phone to the Arabic display.
Week starts on Saturday! Friday is the WE!

The context

 To go and check if the grass is greener elsewhere! (England)

To leave the Eurozone...! (Greece)

Ali's first workshop to be opened on September the 22nd, 2011

Madaba, city of mosaics.

Madaba is a small touristic town of 60.000 inhabitant between Amman and the Dead Sea. It's got an important Christian arabic community leaving in peace alongside with Muslims. The city is well known for its mosaic's treasures.

Mosaic's craftsmen

"The Map" (6th AD - St Georges Church) is a Byzantine mosaic representing the Middle East including Egypt, Jordan and the Biblical Palestine. The feature town in the middle is identified as Jerusalem.